Sunday, December 26, 2010

Over the river and through the woods to SSR for Xmas Eve!

We piled the dogs into the truck and drove to Gardner, the other side of the Moon (Raleigh) where Dawne and 35 siberians awaited us! We brought a Christmas gift of 50 pounds of beef hearts (yuck) and a husky ornament for Dawne.

Such a lot of fun, thanks for having us Dawne!

Feeling the love? Go to SSR and make a donation! 
Help Dawne feed and heal all these beautiful Siberians!

A snowy christmas!

Lulu watching the winter mayhem
Mukki and Quinn taking a short break from running as fast as they can around the yard, chasing each other and jumping over the girls!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Third Day out

Wednesday was the first day of mushing for our guys, morning was 61º -short 1 mile run through the woods. Friday morning was 59º another run and this morning, a fun 55º! Rich took Mukki in lead and Quinn and his mom side by each. Poor Lulu, she can only do the short runs because of her short legs which are due to 5 years of malnutrition and continuous breeding :-(   We sure hope hell has a special level for dog abusers!

Tala and I walked leisurely around the flat land trails, my ankle is almost healed -again! I am thinking of getting a adult trike for us -stability for me and more exercise for Ms Fatté. She lost 6 pounds last month, her thyroid meds look to be working very well! She is also acting frisky and playful, no more sleeping 20 hours a day!

As this is the south, the temps rose fast and everyone enjoyed a relaxing afternoon in the shade. Tala stayed inside since as a princess, she doesn't want dirty feet.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hair Mats???

Started saving all the beautiful fluffy fur my pups are blowing right now. Trying to figure out how to send it to this group for hair mats for the oil spill. Lots of brushing, lots of fur!

well.... this didn't work out, no one wanted my bags of hair.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Another 5K, today LOL

Tala and I did the Ararat River walk again. This time I wore my new walking shoes -yikes! they really give you a good workout! I could feel my muscles burning. Tala had fun too, it was pretty hot and she enjoyed the stops for quick drinks in the river, I had my water bottle but by the end I wanted to throw myself into that cold water! Tala had lots of people tell her she was pretty -so of course, it was another 5star day for my manatee-siberian! She is building a fan club, well, except for that one guy with the boxer.... 

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rich and Mukki Highway Hobo Training

Rich's employer, Southdata, sponsors the cleanup of a section of the roadway. Several of the employees go to clean up monthly... either Rich was trying to get Mukki to earn his keep again by picking up trash or they are just so in love they can not bear to be apart... LOL

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Another Day, Another Walk

Rich and I went to the Ararat Riverside walk, the one I did Thursday and Friday. He was going to mush the boys and Lulu but she kept worming her way out of her harness. Rich took her off the gangline and handed her off to me, which I think she preferred. He wanted to go neckline-free, which would have been bad.

Rich said Quinn still needs to focus more on the path but it didn't help when a wild turkey strolled out onto the path ten feet in front of them! Rich said the turkey looked stunned and gobble-swaked something hat sounded like "Oh, Sh1t!" ha ha

Thursday, April 15, 2010

3.5 miles and saw a fox!

Took Tala on a 3.5 mile walk along the Ararat River in Mt Airy this morning. It's a new walking path that is really lovely. On the way back, we saw a fox running on the bank across the river. Tala just plopped her fat butt down and tilted her head from side to side and sighed! Not sure whether she was tired to jump and bark at it or knew she was on a leash and not able to chase it!

We are going to try to do this walk daily -we need to lose weight!

Friday, March 19, 2010

OMG!!! Bad puppy!

So the bills are starting to roll in from Rich's lacerated kidney when Quinn jumped on his back whilst he was sleeping... looks to be over $7500.... that dog needs a job! I hope Blue Cross Blue Shield is gonna pay!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Quinn's List of Shame: PRICELESS

After this week and multiple visits to the doctor, Quinn has earned his own List of Shame. Rich was kidney punched by the flying nitwit who landed on Rich's back, his right kidney, in fact -point on! Rich apparently had a slight laceration but it's healed. I was relieved when he was put back on full duty since walking and caring for all 4 was a bit much... Until this morning, when Quinn body-slammed me as I was rushing down the stairs. Ankle swollen and my plans put off and now Rich has full dog duties... sigh.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Music City Dry Land Challenge

Lots of fun in Tennessee this weekend! Rich, Mukki & Quinn got first place in the 2 dog race.

Local news and some pictures.

The Music City Dryland Sled Dog Challenge

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Music City Dryland Sled Dog Challenge

Looking forward to Saturday! Rich is entered in the Music City Dryland Sled Dog Challenge! Mukki and Quinn are ready and raring to go!

The Music City Dryland Sled Dog Challenge:
Dry land Dog Sledding Event - Nashville - The Music City Dry land Challenge

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Melty Slushy Mushy

Day two and the snow is melting fast!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How to Make Greenie Knock Offs!

In these tough economic times, not everyone can afford expensive dog treats. Especially the ones that are supposed to be so good for your dog! Here is an easy way to make a similar, inexpensive and healthy treat for your dogs. An entire cookie sheet of treats should cost you about $5 click here for the recipe!

Monday, January 18, 2010

First Place! 2 dog class

From Serum Run, Hotel & Race
Here is Rich, beaming with pride as he poses with Mukki and Quinn. He wasn't sure he would even place, since Quinn can be such a puppy!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Serum Rum

Rich ran Mukki & Quinn on the last 2.5 miles of the serum run in Damascus VA. Kinda warm out, dogs not too keen on the weather, they may cancel the race tomorrow, hope not! My excitement came when I walked to the front of the truck and Lulu casually walked past me to investigate a BBQ pit, she broke her lead! I walked up to her and got a hold of her collar ring! The people around me held their dogs & their breaths! Whew, I was so proud of her!

Posted from Blogium for iPhone

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Mush @ Fries VA today

Just got back from Fries VA 19º -short mush for the boys, sans swimming LOL The girls and I walked along the shore. About 2 feet of 3 inch ice rimmed the shore -Lulu stayed on the ice and Tala stayed on the shore. The boys saw deer, dogs, cows, startled 100s of geese, cats, squirrels and a puffy-tailed mystery beast. Forgot camera, no disasters or mishaps...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sick Yoga with Sibes -doesn't work

Feel terrible, but thought some gentle yoga might help me feel better... The jury is still out, once the puppy discovered a lap to lie in... Sadly, he just doesn't fit anymore, at 60 lbs, it's either head or hips. He tried valiantly, but failed. He settled for lying on his back with hips in my lap... Which made any forward bends impractical if not disgusting... A good idea for later, maybe - for now, I'm back in bed. Sniffle, sneeze, cough, cough! (very cool being able to blog from iPod Touch!)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

First Fries VA Mush -prior to Polar Bear Club Initiation

16º and I am walking the girls while trying to take a vid of Rich -Tala, ever the diva, manages to get her ass in the shot. About four miles later, Quinn fell through the ice followed by Rich and Mukki! BRRRRR! Most awesome long johns in the world? Under Armour Cold Gear Base 3.0!!! Rich had been wearing it more for late night gaming at the computer but now I am glad he wore it!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 3rd 2010 Fries, Virginia first mush & swim!

OMG! Well, Rich finally told me the full story of the freezing cold river swim today! He took Mukki and Quinn down a cliff to the river bank for a drink of water. He chose a spot with the only ice in sight. He said it was about 1 inch thick. While still attached to the scooter, Quinn ran out onto the ice and fell through, Rich managed to reach down and pull Quinn out but then Mukki fell in and Rich lost his footing and slid into the water! Air temp was 16º with 28mph gusts of wind! Rich fell in up to his waist (he is 6'3") and he said the cold took his breath away. He managed to pull Mukki out and got back on the scooter and ran back to the truck -4 miles! He had on UnderArmor Cold Gear Base 3.0 long underwear and very thick wool socks (Mt Wash tested) from LLBean. He said he wasn't as much cold as uncomfortable... He said the scooter was pinned behind a tree so provided a good tie down...

Moral of Today: Do not go near deep water in a rapidly moving river with two dogs in frigid weather! Jeese (common friggin sense? LOL!)